Thursday, January 11, 2007
Recently i went for my friend's play and find that it is quite entertaining. Kudos to all the casts and crews!! And i like this particular scene whereby Eddie(the nerd), gave a description of a woman. Its sooo true.. Lol Damn funny...
Element: Women
Symbol: Wo
Discover: Of course it's Adam, he discovered Eve
Atomic Mass: Preferably 45 to 50 kilograms,
but they can range from 35 to even 200!
Occurence: Found in large quantities, with
trace elements in outlying regions
Physical Properties: Boils at absolutely nothing,
freezes for no apparent reason, but melts
if given special treatment, and bitter
if used incorrectly
Chemical Properties: Affinity to gold, silver, platinum
and all other precious stones! They
are the most powerful money reducing
agent known to man...
Common Usage: They are highly ornamental,
especially in sports cars, plus, they
can be very effective cleaning agents too...
Eddie: But don't forget, there are hazards as well
Wait wait...just hold on for a second...
***Runs into backstage, grabs a safety helmet
and puts it on in haste...
runs back, hiding behind the chair...
Eddie: They are highly dangerous except
in experienced hands, and I'm not sure
if I am. Its's illegal to possess more
than one, althought several can be
maintained at different locations as long
as specimens do not come into direct
contact with each other
-Taken from The Spilled Milk
Thanks Pam :D
7:46 PM