Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I had an interview yesterday and i think i did not do quiet well as i was lost for words or rather the words do not come out of my mouth. So much for being a confident person.. I had interviews on a bigger scale before and i wasnt stumped when i am being interrogated. And in that particular interview during NS in fact i even declined their offer with "style".. Muahaha.. Maybe its over confident? Nah.. Dun think so. I think its one of those bad luck days as i remember reading in a book on how to be prepared for an interview: Sometimes even after some preparation you might not do well,it just happens. I guess this is one of those times, i just suddenly got nervous for no particular reason(actually never really prepare myself though..)

Hack.. Wat matters is that i do not need to face the firing squad anymore..Haha.. Though students they are i can say they can be quite a fearsome bunch. Good job in instilling that into the interviewees i must say (esp my OG leader, her stare can penetrate thru your body!)

Now just waiting for the results.. Whether i got in or not, both ways i must say i got nothing to lose (right Clara?).. Heh.. And if i got in SR, Events or Mkting well i think its like another learning journey to learn new things and traits and polish on the old ones..

And those who put in a good name for me during THEIR interviews, thanks ah.. Was touched.. But that much pressure on me, for now they might have higher expectations.. ZzzzZ.. Well if they do.. Like i have done before, strive on~

12:08 PM

Monday, January 29, 2007

Well Why havent nizam been blogging or online(busy) nowadays.... Well project works are piling up now.. Done with the first three more to go and more yet to come i guess..

9:22 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Well today went for my first of the 3 days Star 2 course!! Its a very small group and the first day was kinda a slow day and the rain doesnt help.. But its still fun nonetheless. All was good!

Then while in the changing room some rude behaviour of a dragon boater stumped me..
I placed my soap, shampoo and my facial wash by the sink while packing my bag and when i turned around this f*cker just take my facial wash and uses it as if it is his and went back into his shower before i could confront him!! WTF?? He is using something that is not his ah.. Wish that bastard already f*cking ugly pimpled face gets worst.. Muahahaha!! Maybe thats why it has been fugly all along...

It is just basic courtesy to ask someone's permission before using their stuff.. Some people just never learn...

11:31 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

Oh man just when i thougt that the monsoon season or whatever el nino effect is going away.. It started again with a heavy downpour of over 100 in just a few hours and now it been raining for 2 days straight..

So much for the weather forecast that says the rain will stop at 8am today..

My plans for runs and swim all got disrupted.. Kept on going to school late.. The train is always crowded.. Have to carry an umbrella and despite having it around im always getting WET ahhh(inside joke)..

Another human trait: Never satisfied when its too hot or too cold and even wen its just the right temperature we still complain.. We are weird arent we? lol

10:58 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Recently i went for my friend's play and find that it is quite entertaining. Kudos to all the casts and crews!! And i like this particular scene whereby Eddie(the nerd), gave a description of a woman. Its sooo true.. Lol Damn funny...

Element: Women
Symbol: Wo
Discover: Of course it's Adam, he discovered Eve
Atomic Mass: Preferably 45 to 50 kilograms,
but they can range from 35 to even 200!
Occurence: Found in large quantities, with
trace elements in outlying regions
Physical Properties: Boils at absolutely nothing,
freezes for no apparent reason, but melts
if given special treatment, and bitter
if used incorrectly
Chemical Properties: Affinity to gold, silver, platinum
and all other precious stones! They
are the most powerful money reducing
agent known to man...
Common Usage: They are highly ornamental,
especially in sports cars, plus, they
can be very effective cleaning agents too...

Eddie: But don't forget, there are hazards as well
Wait wait...just hold on for a second...
***Runs into backstage, grabs a safety helmet
and puts it on in haste...
runs back, hiding behind the chair...

Eddie: They are highly dangerous except
in experienced hands, and I'm not sure
if I am. Its's illegal to possess more
than one, althought several can be
maintained at different locations as long
as specimens do not come into direct
contact with each other

-Taken from The Spilled Milk

Thanks Pam :D

7:46 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Well the new Sem has started and its great to be back in school!! Yes never before have i loved schooling so much! :D

Found out that i have a few new classmates in class since i have never seen them before.. I wonder why.. Well i guess its an opportunity to make more friends and welcome them to the class.

The timetable for this month is packed, so Sentosa have to wait for awhile. :P Will gonna be busy with school this month..

9:30 PM

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new perspective towards life
A new look
A New goal/s
A new me

What is it? You just got to see it for yourself if there are any..

No more act cute this new year..

Enjoy the student life while it lasts
Enjoy life with the closest friends i have
Get to know more people

2006: In A Glimpse

8:26 PM

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