She tot it was hers...
But it was Clarence's Birthday Surprise!! Ha.. Damn~ Yeap gave a surprise to Clarence for his Birthday yesterday. I feel that it went alright overall. He has always coordinated for everyone elses, so he deserve the surprise.
I was the only rose amongst the thorns when we got there.. I thought usually gals will be late.. Ha.. Then when everyone arrived.. We were approached and asked for our IDs!! WTH..Why must this always happened to me whenever i got to these kinda places.. -_-'' The gals were damn happy bout it coz it means they still look underage when actually the youngest of us is 20 already!! hahaha.. Yeap its a compliment!
The Birthday boy was speechless and almost teared.. Ha.. So i guess it was kinda successful.
See his eyes red red? (singlish) :P Talking bout red red i had to do alot of photoshopping to reduce the red eyes effect.. -_-'' (Talib still owes me an explaination why is it so!!) And oh Clarence got those stamps from Clara to represent each of the ladies so that he, who is also our class notes provider can stamp on the notes to indicate which notes belongs to who.. How thoughtful.. :P but it really is la..
Birthday Cake damn thick taste of chocolate and sinful.. I ate 3 pieces.. Ha. Just love four leaves cakes..
Birthday boy smiling cheekily with all the ladies...
Seafood platter was good!
Shawn at his favourite act..
Birthday boy with his other gifts.. He tot he only got those stamps.. Ha. (note the change of colour to his face and his expression in the following photos)
Me at my favourite Act: Camwhoring with everyone! I was behaving like it was my birthday celebration.. lol..
Me and Yvonne ( i had to ask for permission first to take this photo with her.)
Me and Pei Yu: Im wondering why do i look so awkward in this photo.. Hmm.. Pei Yu, why ah?
Me and Clara: Something common.. Not a hot scandal to be talking bout anymore.. Ha.Me And Pamela: No its G!! Wahahaha..
Me and Wini: See where i placed my hands on hers? And she gave that face... -_-" Scared of her bf seeing this..Me and Shuan: After i took photos with the ladies, he wanted a photo with me.. Haha.. Nope I didnt spell his name wrongly: Shu an
See all their eyes open big big except for pam? (singlish) They were trying to imitate pam.. haha.. Classic!
Now she shut her eyes.. Knowing what happened.. :D
See the change in the birthday boy face?? More to come..
The Four Act Cute Self Declared Princesses + one Garang one at the extreme right. :)
Almost there.. Hang in there brother!!
The story behind this photo was funny. After my rounds of camwhoring.. I sat beside the bdae boy and he said to me: I also.... want to take photo le.... Can i take photo with all the gals....? I stood up and made the gals crowd around him.. Feeling lucky or tipsy dude? Haha..
Notice the background?? We had another group of friends whom we do not know of to join in the fun.. Ha.. And notice the Bdae boy?? Hahaha.And he is gone... This just means that it was a total success! LOL..
Cant wait to celebrate the April Babies Birthday gathering after exams!! Timbre Timbre! Where is my present?? Ha..